Green Bay - Howard Dental Associates Photos
Welcome to Dental Associates of Green Bay - Howard! We’ve proudly served the western Green Bay communities since 2016. See inside our state-of-the-art dental clinic, and learn about our doctors by reading their reviews and comments from patients at our Green Bay - Howard clinic page.
Photos of Our Dental Clinic
Dental Associates’ Green Bay - Howard clinic is conveniently located at 2340 Duck Creek Parkway, near the I-41/Hwy 29 interchange and just south of the Woodman’s. Get driving directions to Howard Dental Associates.
Dental Associates Green Bay - Howard Photo Overview
Reception Area
Our Howard clinic’s lobby is warm and welcoming. When you arrive, our friendly receptionist will be happy to help you right away.
Our waiting area is bright and cozy, and complete with magazines and T.V.s to help you relax during the short wait to see your dentist. On a chilly day, we warm up the clinic with our gas fireplace.
General Dentistry
Your Green Bay - Howard dentist uses the latest advancements in dental technology to provide exceptional care. We also offer private treatment rooms to provide you the most comfortable experience possible.